6/9 Mistress Sassz'ine Mythic

After refusing to surrender the tidestone many, many times we finally got to dine on sushi and are now at 6/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras. We hope to get Maiden down before Antorus hits and even if that might not be the best progress ever made we still came a long way this tier considering where we started.

At the start of Tomb of Sargeras we didn't have 10 people to fill a heroic raid and our first Kil'jaeden kill was with 14 people. Progress should give a sense of achievement and we definitely have had that this tier! Next tier we want to push it and get in to mythic progression faster now that we have the players and roster that can support it. We still need a few amazing players to make it a smoother and better experience so don't hesitate to apply if you want to raid in a fun and progress minded community with players that care about the game and the people in it!
